Designing a Modern-style Chess Set

I love a good game of chess, even better a series of games with a friend.  We will talk about the issues of the day, our families, and perhaps in the cross talk and banter, we’ll provide a glimpse into …

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Lighting Design Tips for Your Home

Peter Twohy of 2e Architects sits down with Rand Dorman of Dorman’s Lighting and Design in Lutherville, MD for a deep dive in understanding the impact of lighting on architecture and interior design in custom homes. The two professionals discuss …

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Architect Compared to a Draftsperson

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between an architectural draftsperson and an architect? Peter Twohy, AIA, discusses the question he gets from time to time of do I really need an architect, couldn’t I just work with a …

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A Conversation Between Two Falcons?

A lot of activity last night in the Falcon community. In this video you will see Fiona on the ledge and then another Falcon fly up. There are some vocalizations, which to the lay person seem like a warning to …

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Dancing in the Rain: Inside the Pantheon

There are songs that you might hear on the radio that encapsulate a specific memory.  Perhaps when you were in high school or maybe that first dance with your spouse.  Music is often referred to as the sound track to …

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