Preparing for 2e Architects 20th Anniversary, April Fool’s Day 2025

Peter Twohy in Rome, Italy when studying architecture for a year abroad
Peter Twohy on the right back in college when he studied in Italy for a year.

I have certainly seen a lot of change in the architecture industry since I decided almost 20 years ago to open my own firm. When I was back in school (see photo) we painstakingly designed and assembled models made of balsa wood. This continued through the first half of my career.  They were artful, yet time consuming. Mike Brady and his contemporaries would have been impressed.  Now, thanks in part to the pioneering work of 2e Architects, the industry-standard is becoming the use of computer-rendered 3D models.  And as you know, our firm has taken it a step further to allow clients to enjoy walking through this model in Virtual Reality!  Virtual Reality is simply the best way for clients to experience their home design so that they can provide meaningful input on the design.  And, it is super fun!  We’ve written extensively about the benefits of Virtual Reality, and we invite you to learn all about it.

I have been blessed to work with wonderful clients on the most interesting projects in the mid-Atlantic over the past 20 years.  The opportunity and trust my clients have given me has allowed me to substantially grow the practice over the years.  As my practice has grown and evolved, I am now able to focus on a select set of projects each year.  The success we’ve had over the past 20 years proudly gives us a reputation that proceeds.  For this, all of my collaborators, the contractors, and for our clients, I am profoundly grateful.  

I’ve always made it a priority to leave myself open to new opportunities and in doing so, I’ve decided to begin to split time between Maryland and Colorado. The majority of time will still be in Maryland, but I will be traveling out west to spend time with extended family and explore new opportunities.  To help with this transition, we have moved our offices to Hunt Valley, Maryland.  Hunt Valley makes us centrally located.  The focus for 2e Architects will remain being one of the premier architecture firms in the mid-Atlantic; our projects will just be more exclusive.   I look forward to sharing the work we’ll be doing.

A bittersweet part of this move will be saying goodbye to Fiona the Peregrine Falcon.  Please read my adieu to Fiona, We Bid Each Other Adieu.